Michael Perdue

Campus Crawl game and engine

Project Overview: The Campus Crawl Game and Engine is a collaborative project undertaken during the second year of my academic journey spanning the 20 weeks of development and planning. This proje...

Network Applications

Project Overview: Using python sockets I have created a raw implemenation of Ping, Traceroute, Web server and a proxy server. These are all on the same python program and can be called using pytho...

My Own Malloc And Free In C

Project Overview: I was tasked with developing a memory allocation implementation in C, aiming to be used as a working replacement for the existing malloc and free. The implementation includes mul...

Maze Solving Algorithm

Project Overview: I developed a Java Maze Solving Algorithm displayed visually in Swing. For this project I was provided with how to generate mazes through Lancaster University and then I was task...


Project Overview: I have developed a solar system model using Java that offers you the flexibility to manipulate the system by removing planets, moons, and asteroid belts. Moreover, you can introd...

Plagiarism Checker

Project Overview: For this project, I used Java with Swing to create a Plagiarism Checker. It’s a handy tool with three key functions designed to make text analysis easy. It loads the text files f...